Nique Strong - One Step at a Time, Head Up, Shoulders Back
Journal Entry - November 7, 2014:
I would love to say today that I am cured, but with cancer it is hard to say that. You see, I thought I was cured in November of 2011 after my left mastectomy, but it came back in 18 months. Today marks a year since my last radiation. My first day as a survivor who is in remission. So much has happened in the past 365 days. Challenges and obstacles that shaped my journey over the past year. One thing that I realized is that NOTHING is promised. Not today, tomorrow, life is constantly changing. Everyday we learn, and if you don’t you haven’t been paying attention. I feel bad for those who think they know everything and think they have “life” all figured out. It can all change in the blink of an eye.
When my cancer came back the second time I started to work on a bucket list. Have you ever sat down and thought about what you would like to do before you die? It’s amazing, but one of my biggest tasks is to become friends with my mom before she passes. At 85 years young we still butt heads, but I finally understand her story. We all have a story. Those who say they don’t are kidding themselves and you. I want to own a Harley someday, I want to jump out of a plane, I want to love without holding back, I want to believe that dreams do come true, I want to love life and not the material possessions that come with it. I want to help others “believe” that if you turn inward and start there you can change your path and do ANYTHING that you set your mind to.
I can’t say enough about all the incredible people that I have met on this journey. I was going to name them, but I am so afraid that I might leave someone out. I have to say there have been some negative consequences from my cancer as well, but are they really negative consequences, or has my path changed in direction and now I am where I am supposed to be. Philosophical questions that fill my mind and my thoughts everyday.
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."
~ Gail Devers
One step at a time. Head up, shoulders back…..
Monique Nique Strong