NiqueWear Adds New Items and The Style is Amazing
The second line of NiqueWear has come out. The styles are hitting the gym scene with much enthusiasm. They could also be used for...
Meditative Doodling with Laurie Pomposelli Cairone
I am humbled and proud to know an amazing artist with a very special talent. Laurie Pomposelli Cairone's art class, Meditative Doodling,...
NiqueWear Opens its Doors and its Heart to the Community
I am so humbled by our partner Noel P. Roby, ICE Agency, for allowing my dream to come true. On Monday, July 6th, the doors to Breast...
Accepting Flaws and Failures and Making Amends with Yourself Leads to Increased Self Worth
It is amazing that as time passes we need to remind ourselves of where we have been and where we are going. Cancer treatments taught me...